
Shweta Siraj Mehta has devoted her career to the nonprofit sector. Over the past 20 years she has lead grantmaking programs at foundations, actively contribute to nonprofit Boards, provided strategic consulting to nonprofits and worked within nonprofit operations.

Shweta started her career at the United Nations in New York working on global financial flows and environmental issues. She then joined the founding team of the Bridgespan Group, a critically acclaimed not-for-profit strategy consulting firm where she worked with environmental nonprofits, nonprofit Internet ventures, and foundations. After Bridgespan, she formulated and implemented the Hewlett Foundation’s Global Development Program. Shweta then founded Elements, a consulting firm focused on the nonprofit sector with an emphasis on assisting organizations serving children, education, and the arts. She helped launch the World Economic Forum’s Education Initiative and has remained involved with the program for over a decade. She serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Global Fund for Children, a nonprofit investing in grassroots groups serving the world’s most vulnerable children.

Shweta earned a MBA as well as a Certificate in Public Management from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. She graduated with distinction from Imperial College with a M.S. in Environmental Management and first class from Warwick University with a B.S. in Medicinal Chemistry. Shweta has enjoyed living in several geographies including London, Mumbai, New York and Boston before settling in the Bay Area in 2002 with her husband, Amish and two children.