Granda Soccer 4 Kids x BGCP Event

Granda Soccer 4 Kids x BGCP Event

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula Partners with Granda Soccer, Inc. to Benefit Under-Served Youth ⚽

SEAL BEACH, CA - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula (BGCP) will partner with fellow non-profit Granda Soccer, Inc. ⚽ to ensure that all BGCP youth have access to soccer equipment. The partnership is designed to foster love for the sport and physical activity through resources that would otherwise be unavailable to youth in the under-served communities where BGCP operates.

“We aim to create opportunities for youth development, teamwork, and healthy living,” said Carlos Granda, who founded his organization in 2015. “We strive to build a stronger, more inclusive community, where every child can thrive and succeed on and off the pitch by feeling connected to a team and mentors. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula is completely aligned with our focus on teamwork, mentorship, and preparing youth to achieve personal success.”

BGCP – which serves roughly 5,400 students (TK through college graduates) at 29 sites in San Mateo County – also recognizes the positive impact of organized sports on youth participants. “The hundreds of students in our Barry Carr Sports Leagues are thriving because of our emphasis on character education and life lessons, as well as skill development and competition,” said BGCP Athletic Director Chris DeTrinidad. “The additional resources coming to us through our partnership with Granda Soccer 4 Kids will enhance the experience we can offer our youth.”